The Stock

Trading Information

Lipigon Pharmaceuticals AB is publicly traded on the Nasdaq First North Growth Market. The company has issued shares under a single class of stock, with the stock symbol LPGO and ISIN code SE0015382072.

Top Shareholders 

Development of Share Capital

On June 30, 2024, the total number of shares amounted to 148,330,518. The share capital amounted to 586,647 SEK. All shares have one voting right.

Date Transaction Number of Common Shares Increase in Share Capital Invested Amount (SEK)
2010-06-07 Formation 50 000 50 000 50 000
2016-02-04 Share Issuance 3 000 53 000 3 000
2016-05-12 Share Issuance 5 301 58 301 503 505
2016-09-06 Share Issuance 5 301 63 602 503 595
2016-12-19 Share Issuance 10 600 74 202 500 320
2017-02-01 Share Issuance 13 144 87 346 3 100 012
2018-01-19 Share Issuance 9 000 96 346 1 800 000
2018-06-18 Share Issuance 8 875 105 221 1 775 000
2019-05-08 Share Issuance 28 059 133 280 7 996 815
2020-07-07 Share Issuance 88 572 221 852 16 651 536
2020-08-28 Split 1:20 4 215 188 221 852 -
2020-08-28 Fund Issuance - 500 000 -
2020-12-02 Share Issuance 295 858 33 339 3 000 000
2021-02-23 Share Issuance 5 000 000 563 439 55 991 872
2022-06-21 Share Issuance 10 511 526 1 184 519 22 599 781
2023-04-19 Share Issuance 58 686 425 6 613 237 28 810 658
2023-05-04 Share Issuance 1 084 797 122 243 532 554
2023-12-20 Share Issuance 46 406 635 5 229 445 13 921 991
2024-06-17 Share Issuance 21 908 237 2 468 783 4 381 647
2024-06-17 *Ongoing reduction of share capital  -16 128 359 -
  Total 148 330 518 586 647 162 122 286

Subscription Warrant Program

Below is a summary of the company's warrant program as of June 30, 2024.

Program Holders Number of Warrants Exercise Price Value per Allocated Warrant Volatility, % Risk-free Interest Rate, % Subscription Right per Option Subscription (year)
Warrants 2023/2027 Employees and other key persons 7 380 000 0,82 0,08 58,9 -0,23 1 Sep 2026 - feb 2027
Total   7 380 000 - - - - - -

Information about Nasdaq First North Growth Market

Nasdaq First North Growth Market is a registered SME marketplace for growth companies, following the Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (EU 2014/65) implemented in the national legislation of Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. The marketplace is part of the Nasdaq Group. Issuers on Nasdaq First North Growth Market are not subject to the regulations that apply to issuers whose shares are listed on a regulated market, as defined in EU legislation (and implemented in national legislation). Instead, they are subject to less extensive rules and regulations tailored to smaller growth companies. The risk of investing in an issuer on Nasdaq First North Growth Market may, therefore, be higher than investing in an issuer listed on a regulated market. All issuers with shares traded on Nasdaq First North Growth Market have a Certified Adviser who monitors compliance with the rules. Nasdaq approves issuers' applications for admission to trading.